Presbifonía, enfoque clínico sobre su origen y abordaje terapéutico
Presbyphonia, bowing, phonation, Vocal Folds, hoarsenessAbstract
Introduction: Presbyphonia constitutes a difficulty in certain individuals due to age progression and is increasingly present in our specialized medical consultation, which is why it is important to consider its approach and management. Objectives: To review the pathophysiology of presbyphonia, its diagnostic and therapeutic approach. Development: The pathophysiology of presbyphonia includes the study of age-associated changes in the phonatory system as a whole, including laryngeal structural changes such as bowing of the free edges of the vocal folds, which will allow us to make a more complete diagnosis including clinical evaluation, microlaryngoscopy and videostroboscopy that should not be missing in the study of a patient with dysphonia, these tools will help us reach an accurate diagnosis of presbyphonia, which will allow us a complete multidisciplinary management of the patient, including voice therapy and, in more severe cases surgery. Conclusions: Voice aging as a biological phenomenon does not imply a disease and entails multiple changes in the human being, which, due to their complexity, imply a multidisciplinary management..
Copyright (c) 2022 Christian Yon Trujillo, Marcela Abarca Benavente, Roma Cristina Charaja Vildoso
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